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The „Dating Pledge“ is „das Liebespfand“ on a German dating site

Most young US-citizens seem to know what a dating pledge is: a pledge to treat someone in a nice and fair way while dating. But on a new German dating-site, a dating pledge is a promise to have a date with someone. To ensure the other part that you, as the inviting part, are really honest, you have to pay 50 Euro to an account of trust. The invitee will receive the money in case the date does really take place. Satisfied with the date or not, she or he can pay it back to the inviting part – or keep it.

Does it make sense? We doubt it. By the way: Once you are invited, and accept the invitation, you pay 15 Euros to the company that runs the dating site.

Read more in German language in a press release.

50 Euros = app. 64 USD (US $) or 41 GBP (British Pound Sterling) according to XE.com taken from September 12, 2010.

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