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Small breasts are an excellent value

Most women think that it might be hard to find a man when their breast are small or even “tiny“. But that is untrue, because there are men out there who love small breasts.

They main thing you must know: Be proud of your body and wear luxury underwear – because most men do not like women who are dissatisfied with their appearance – and wearing expensive underwear shows them that you like your body. Don’t think most men will never see the underwear you’re wearing – they will, even if you will never undress.

The photos you publish in your add must show, who you are – not what your Bra size is. Depending on the type of women you are, try to wear sportive leisure clothing or give yourself a somewhat boyish appearance – if you wear a tie and a man’s shirt, you may be just the one a lot of men are looking for. You will see – small breasts can be an excellent value.

Found a wrong word? Please remember that English is not my first language. Send me an email in case you find a wrong word or expression

A simliar articel exists in German.

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