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Looking for a man – in a different way

She hopes that her experiment will end at the altar – but first she installed a social experiment. Neenah Pickett, a 42-year-old media consultant, is taking her New Years resolution to find love to the World Wide Web with an innovative and unique strategy that she has devised with the help of friends and family. On January 1, she launched 52Weeks2FindHim.com.

So what exactly does the 42-year old media designer do? In a press release, sehr said the following about her and her project:

(The side is) … designed with a number of features to help potential beaus get to know the dynamic woman behind the web page and to give other women a chance to sound off on the experiment and offer helpful suggestions and advice. Web visitors, both male and female, can learn more about Pickett in a series of blogs and ongoing videos featuring her and her friends, as well as people with interesting love and marriage stories. If interested, men can upload a public profile on the website to be considered for a date with her. Visitors can also leave their feedback on the discussion board, and offer advice, constructive criticism and even anecdotes about their own dating experiences.

Over the course of the project, Pickett hopes that 52Weeks2FindHim.com will become a thriving online community of suitors and supporters. The site will feature input and challenges from several of Neenah´s friends, selected to help guide her on her journey and screen the men who complete profiles on the site.

“When I first came up with the idea, I thought my family and friends would think it was crazy, but they´ve actually been really supportive and excited which has helped to propel me forward with the project,“ said Pickett. “Hopefully within the 52 weeks I will meet someone that feels as strongly about me as I feel about them, and that I can potentially spend the rest of my life with.“

Get more Information from her website or her blog. I read it first in “The Real Cougar Women.

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